Tan / Beige Prom Dresses by Colette by Daphne

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Neutral in color, bold in personality. Tan/beige prom dresses by Colette by Daphne are simple and sexy, highlighting your pure, organic beauty in a stunning silhouette. A detailed style dress is beautifully crafted atop a nude base, giving a sexy appeal to a sleeveless, sequin tulle sheath gown with a plunging V-neck, natural waist, open back and small train. Tan and beige prom dresses by Colette by Daphne - play it up toning it down.

Tan and Beige Prom Dresses by Colette by Daphne

We may be toning down the color in this prom dress collection, but all the sass, style, personality and pizazz of the dresses is still 100% there. If you're in the market for a tan, beige or neutral toned prom dress for Spring 2024, the collection from Colette by Daphne comes with a variety of options, so even in your neutral tones, you can wear it with a unique spin. Try a prom gown in a shade of champagne, mocha or copper, or try a multi-colored design with a combination of any color atop a nude dress base, silver dress base or champagne dress base.


How to wear a neutral colored prom dress without looking flushed out:

A common fear for a lot of prom girls, shopping for their dream dress, is that a nude, champagne, mocha, tan or beige prom dress will flush them out. The more popular trend is to gravitate toward a stronger color-based dress. Increase your knowledge on how to style a neutral toned prom dress and widen your prom gown options for Spring 2024! Girls stray from the neutral tones of a dress, fearing it'll flush them out with a dress too close to their skin tone, but own your natural look!


If you have a paler pigment, a mocha dress contrasts quite beautifully on that skin tone, but browse any images from a Hollywood runway and you'll find celebrities gorgeously embracing their whiter skin tone, opting for a light blush, tan or pearl dress. Own your look.


A tan, beige, champagne or copper prom dress pairs beautifully with a darker skin tone - the similar tone, yet natural contrast, creates a gorgeous look. 


Unique silhouettes and styles for prom dresses in tan and beige from Colette by Daphne:

A unique style to make your own in this collection of prom dresses by Colette by Daphne is the tan and turquoise style of #CL5211, rocking a strapless stretch lace sheath gown with a criss cross back and thigh slit. Another one-of-a-kind gown found in a champagne hue is #CL5288, embracing a novelty glitter tulle fabric, lace up back, beaded waist belt, and a natural waist. 


Tan and beige prom dresses by Colette by Daphne. Don't shy away from any prom dress look you're wanting to rock due to a fear of your natural look not sitting well with it. Beauty comes from within - the exterior is just a bonus.